Portfolio Description
  • 0
  • September 26, 2020

1. Introduction

Laya Healthcare is the second largest health insurance company in all of Ireland. Currently having over half a million members(policy holders) in our organisation, we aim to treat our members with honesty and treat you properly. Laya Healthcare provide a number of policies and other facilities to their members such as Wellbeing clinics, CareOnCall, Health Coach, 24/7 Mental Wellbeing Support etc.

2. Objectives

This project aimed to develop an app that would help all the policy holders of Laya Healthcare to perform certain functions related to their policy easily. Some of those features are: 

  • Check your cover
  • Easily submit claims 24/7
  • Access Member details
  • Order a prescription or a home testing kit. 
  • Update personal or payment details on your account. 

Why was the initiative launched?

The user experience and their feedback is everything to us. Our policy holders needed to have an app that would help them in performing healthcare policy related tasks relatively easy. A feature rich and user friendly app was our goal. General tasks like claim registration, checking member details etc., can be executed through this app. 

3. Outcome

We launched our Mobile Application where our policy holder can download and register themselves to perform policy related tasks. 

Portfolio Details