HR Policies



As part of company policy, you will be in a probationary period of three months of your employment which may extend as per individual & company’s performance with the company and during this period your employment will be subject to termination at any time by the Company without any notice period & without any payable.

Leave Entitlements:

  • During your tenure with Ajath Infotech Pvt. Ltd., you will be entitled to 1 day of paid leaves will be allowed per month and if you are late (10:15 A.M.) for more than 2 days then further days would be counted as a half-day.
  • Further absenting or taking leaves with or without prior approval will be considered as Loss of Pay (LOP) and continuous absenteeism may result in your termination.
  • Also, note that there are no short leaves and bucket leave systems in our organization.

Notice Period:

  • During the period of probation; in the event of your resignation, you will be required to give a 1-month notice to ensure smooth transition/handover of duties without loss to the company. In case adequate notice is not given, the salary for the period of the shortfall will be deduced while carrying out the full and final clearance. Also, during the period of probation the company may terminate your services without assigning any reasons, but with a minimum of one weeks’ notice in lieu thereof. However, the management reserves the right to waive off or reduce the notice period required to be given by the employee, based on the special circumstances of each case. In the event, if the requisite period of notice has not been given, either side will be liable to compensate proportionately to the extent of salary and allowances due for the period of a shortfall in the notice period.
  • If an employee is working on a specific ongoing project, a project which has not reached completion, then he/she may have to serve a notice period for a maximum of 2 months. The company reserves the right to relieve an employee only once he/she has handed over the project and its responsibilities to its completion. Till such time, he/she should be with the company. 

Disciplinary Action Procedure:

Any breach of the Company’s regulations/policies, failure to attain or maintain a satisfactory work standard or any misconduct by an employee shall be regarded as a disciplinary or capability matter. Your immediate superior offenses including major misconduct shall be dealt with in the manner set out under the Company’s regulations/policies.

Company’s regulations policies:

You shall abide and be bound by the Company’s regulations/policies, and the same shall form part of this letter of appointment. The Company’s regulations/policies may be changed/amended at any time at the discretion of you. You shall also carry out and abide by any instruction, policies, ‘house rules’ and ‘office orders’ issued by the Company from time to time.

Working Hours:

Our working hours are 9 hours in which 8 hours you have to complete as productive working hours and the rest 45 minutes use for lunch.
And for analysis of your working hours, we are using Tools:

1- Biometric Machine– In which you have to punch in or punch out. If you forget to punch on the bio-metric machine. Then mail it on that day that you forgot to punch and kindly mention in & out the timing in the mail as well.

2- Clockify – If your Clockify is not working for a particular day. then kindly mail for this also.

Open Bank A/C 

We open the account in HDFC Bank and submit the following documents to open the account.

– I’d proof( Aadhar card or Pancard)
– Passport size photo

Work From Home

if you will take wfh in working days except Saturday then you will get 50% compensation for that day

Performance Improvement Plan(PIP):

  • A performance improvement plan (PIP), also known as a performance action plan, is a tool to give an employee with performance deficiencies the opportunity to succeed. It may be used to address failures to meet specific job goals or to ameliorate behavior-related concerns.
  • Outcomes may vary, including improvement in overall performance; the recognition of a skills or training gap; or possible employment actions such as a transfer, demotion where performance bonus is deducted mentioned in salary structure or immediate termination without any notice & without any payable.


  • Separation either on account of termination of service by the management and or resignation by you shall be subjected to a notice period of one month from either side.
  • On termination of employment and or your resignation, you will immediately give up to the company and all tools, accessories, formulae document specification book, etc. of whatsoever nature in your custody case or charge and obtain clearance from the relevant person office department on the production of alone your dues will be settled by the company.
  • All the documents and FnF will be done after 45 days from termination or resignation.


You hereby agree not to solicit or cause to be solicited, either during the currency of this employment agreement and beyond, any employee of the company or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries or any of its clients, directly or indirectly for any person or company engaged in the similar business undertaking.


  • As a condition of your employment you are also required to sign and comply with employment, confidential information invention assignment and arbitration agreement which requires among other provisions the assignment of patent and other intellectual property rights to any invention made during your employment at the that (1) any and all disputes between you and the company shall be fully and finally resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the rules,
  • you are waiving any and all rights to a jury trial but all curt remedies will be available in arbitration (3) the arbitration shall occur in New Delhi and the language of the arbitration shall be English company and non-disclosure of company proprietary information. In the event of any dispute or claim relative to or arising of an employment relationship, you and the company agree.

Terminations of Employment:

In addition to all rights of the Company provided for in this agreement or in any other policies/regulations of the Company or under law, the Company may terminate your Employment forthwith in any of the following circumstances:

  • Breach by you of any of the terms of this letter of appointment Breach of any clauses of the Company’s regulation/policies;
  • Unauthorized absences beyond a period of three (3) consecutive days;
  • Inability to perform your duties beyond a period of seven (7) days, whether on medical grounds or on any other grounds;
  • Physical or mental incapacitation to perform your duties;
  • Any misrepresentation by you to the company, whether made orally or in writing and whether expressly or by conduct, and whether at the time appointment or prior or subsequent thereto;
  • Commission of any act detrimental to the interests of the company;
  • Commission of any act of moral turpitude;
  • Misconduct
  • Commission of any act of insolvency;
  • Conviction in any court of law for the commission of any crime; or
  • Your performance is continuously measured as below expectations;
  • You act or threaten to act in a manner that is prejudicial to the interests and goodwill of the Company
  • You breach any policy of the Company that requires adherence to law and regulations example – anti-bribery, conflict of interest, lobbying, insider trading & fraud etc.


You agree that if your employment is terminated for any reason or in case you resign from our employment you shall immediately and without request delivered to the company any and all physical assets entrusted to you by the company and all records and paper and all matters of whatever nature which contain the company’s confidential information.


  • The company may at any time in its sole discretion after giving you responsible notice depute transfer or assign your service to any place of business of the company that may presently be operating or which may subsequently be acquired or established in any part of India or abroad. In such events, the terms and conditions governing your services shall be those applicable at the location of the transfer.
  • Company may in its sole direction also depute you to any work or assign your services to any associate company subsidiary or other companies, concerned organization or firm with whom the company may make any such agreement or arrangement. You may also require on a temporary basis to work at any client premises in India or overseas.
  • In the event that you are deputed to such place as specified above you hereby agree and undertake to follow and be governed by the rules and regulations applicable in such places with respect to work, timings, ethics, etc.
  • You will identify and hold harmless the company from all liabilities arising out of any act/omission attributable to your negligence, whether arising in the course of employment or otherwise whilst on such deputation.

Salary Day: 

  • The salary day is the 7th of every month.

Confidentiality of Salary:

  • Your salary packages is based on, your overall experience in the industry, your education qualification, the experience and the knowledge level assessed at the time of selection, particularly in the skill sets relevant. Therefore, the salary package offered to you is peculiar and personal t you. And a comparison of the same with the salary of other employees, based on the total experience level in the industry, maybe unrealistic, misleading and invidious.
  • You may be required to strictly maintain the secrecy of and that you do not divulge or communicate in any manner, any information regarding your remuneration/terms of employment, to any other employee of the company except to your immediate Supervisor / Head of the Department of the Company.
  • In a similar way, when deputed to work/interact at the client site, you are expected to maintain full confidentiality regarding your salary package and are expected not to discuss or close the same to any member of the client staff, in the interest of maintaining and promoting good and ethical functional business relations with our clients.

Confidentiality of Information:

  • You will not (except in the normal course of the Company’s business) publish any article or statement, deliver any lecture or broadcast or make any communication to the press, including magazine publication relating to the Company’s products or to any matter with which the Company may be concerned, unless you have previously applied for and obtained the written permission from the Company.
  • You will be required to maintain the utmost secrecy in respect of Project documents, commercial offer, design documents, Project cost & Estimation, Technology, Software package license, Company’s policies, Company’s Patent & Trade Mark and Company’s Human assets profile.
  • Any of our technical or other important information which might come into your possession during the continuance of your assignment with us shall be disclosed, divulged or made public by you even thereafter.


You hereby undertake that you have duly, or will duly within 7 days of signing the letter, disclose to the company in writing and all agreements relating to your prior employment that may affect your eligibility to be employed by the company or limit the manner in which you may be employed. it is the company’s understanding that any such agreements will not prevent you from performing the duties of your position and you represent such in case. Moreover, you agree that during the terms of your employment with the company you will not engage in any other employment, occupation, consulting or other business activity directly related to the business in which the company is now involved or become involved during the team of your employment nor will you engage with any other activities that conflict with our obligations to the company including the former employer and that in performing your duties for the company you will not in any utilize any such information other than in a manner that may be directed by the company while releasing such information.

 Personal Conduct:

The management shall be at liberty to terminate your services without any notice in the event of:

  • Insubordination, indiscipline, dishonesty or negligence of duty.
  • You’re being unable to attend to your duties effectively on account of prolonged ill-health.
  • During the period of investigation into such circumstances, you are liable to be suspended from duty without wages or salary.

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